Common question: "Do you, like, live in a house?"
Redundant answer: "Yes. I probably wouldn't have a computer if I didn't have a house."
Stupid person thinking: "Wait.. there are computers in Tahiti?"
Me thinking: "No, I just send emails through telepathy..."
So I found it in the best interest of my readers to have picture proof of my humble abode. It looks small, but it actually goes back further.
My mom has taught piano since before I was born, but we never had a grand piano. Since coming here, I have enjoyed playing the beautiful instrument, and spending time in this room.
So... this is my room! The bed is approximately 1/4 of an inch off the ground, and it is often times forgotten, and tripped over. For those of you that are familiar with my old room, this bears a night and day contrast in the "excitement" department. I'm considering entering Designer's Challenge on HGTV or something --- this room is in some serious need of beautification!
And, last but not least, we have Moroni taking care of the goings on at the base of our hill.
Yeah! It's so fun to be able to picture your room and house now. And yep, I'd say you're in some definite need of decor in your room. Time for some "Laurenization."
Yeah... the whole esp thing IS working clear from Tahiti!!!! Another stupid person thinking: Wait.... so you don't were rubber socks at night to keep the rats away? Lol:)
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